No, not really. Deciding to not get training on your new software is not often a decision as it is a result of circumstances. Not enough time, too expensive, too me we have heard most of them and we do understand.
With the new year I wanted to take a few minutes to see if I could bother our readers for some input. We are always trying to create new products/classes that will better suit the needs of our customers. So, to this end, I am asking you, the reader, "What kind of training best suits you needs and availability?"
Delivery of Class:
Length of Class:
Full day, half day, 2 hr. Workshop
Type of Class:
Essentials & Advanced Class, Specialized Topic Workshops, ...?
Not learning how to use your software to its full potential is like buying a Ferrari* and never taking it out of first gear.
*Please substitute you favorite car here
Taking away 1 simple new skill or idea from a training class can result in a large amount of time savings/week. Add these up and its not unrealistic to see days if not weeks of savings over the course of a year. Now multiply that by how many designers/users are in your department, I think you get the picture.
Let us know what you think. Add a comment here or email us at