Monday, November 11, 2013

Autodesk Vault Thin (Web) Client Has A New Look

If you are a subscription customer for Autodesk Vault Professional 2014, you can get your hands on a new thin client. The new Autodesk Vault Thin Client 2014 has been completely redesigned to provide a superior experience when accessing a Vault through a web browser. The redesign includes Enhanced user interfaces, Customizable view functionalities, New BOM interface, and Enhanced report printing.

The first step in getting the new thin client look is to ensure that your Autodesk Vault Professional 2014 is up to date with the latest service packs and hotfixes. See the Autodesk Support for Autodesk Vault. Next you need to log in to the Autodesk Subscription website to download the Autodesk Vault 2014 Subscription Release 1.

With this update Autodesk has completely “overhauled” the Web (Thin) client, although it shares some similarities with Autodesk 360.

An excerpt from the ReadMe.....
The new Autodesk Vault Thin Client 2014 has been completely redesigned to provide a superior experience when accessing a Vault through a web browser. The redesign includes Enhanced user interfaces, Customizable view functionalities, New BOM interface, and Enhanced report printing. See Autodesk Vault Thin Client 2014 for more information.

One thing missing from the readme was that the address to the web client has changed. What this means is that you can access the legacy (old) web client or the new revamped version. This is great as a CAD Administrator I can gradually roll out the new version at my own pace. The old address was http://<servername>/autodeskdm/webclient, the new address is http://<servername>/AutodeskTC.

Also take note that there are issues with Google Chrome and not being able to view the Visualization (DWF) file. I experienced it myself; Autodesk is aware of the issue and is working on it. For now its best to use (gasp) Internet Explorer.

From Irvin Hayes Jr (Product Manager – Autodesk) “Currently the ability to see the DWF in Chrome is not available. Try using the Home Button and selecting Save As then opening the file.”

Other than the “completely redesigned to provide a superior experience” UI overhaul there are a couple new things
  • Individual view customization. The administrator sets the default properties to be shown, each user can customize it to their liking
  • Improved Bill of Materials (BOM) view when looking at items
  • Better reports