Wednesday, October 12, 2011

AutoCAD on a Mac? Scarier than Frankenstein on Halloween!

I am a windows person through and through, so it is scary to me that AutoCAD is in the native Macintosh environment now!  It is kinda like Frankenstein. 

Think about it… Autodesk pumped life into a product in a different form (or “platform”).  I am not saying that they used lightning and dead body parts, like a brain!  [Anyone remember the “a-b-normal” brain from the movie Young Frankenstein?  Classic!]  It has the same functions as AutoCAD on a PC with some minor differences.  Frankenstein had the same functions as a person with some minor differences.  Now do you see my connection?  If you want to learn more about some of these differences, please check out this link:
I have come to the realization that as long as AutoCAD on the Mac is not hurting the town folk, everything is going to be fine.   With that said, there are other “Frankensteins” that have come to the Mac environment.  Check out this link for more information on what Autodesk is doing in the Mac environment:
Actually, this is not scary, it is exciting!  Now, I can sleep …  whew.