Thursday, February 7, 2013

AutoCAD Electrical
Getting the Most Out of Your Legacy Data

This will be the first installment of a series of posts I intend to publish to our blog concerning legacy data. Whether you are a first time AutoCAD Electrical user or seasoned professional, we tend to forget the many conversion tools afforded to us inside the software. We have the ability to convert standard AutoCAD drawings into intelligent drawings inside of an Electrical project. We can convert lines to wires, standard text to text associated to a wire. We can convert standard blocks with attributes to intelligent symbols inside of a project. We can convert dumb ladders to smart ladders. We can convert dumb arrows to intelligent symbols that are attached to wires and carry them from one drawing to another drawing. We can convert manufactured supplied dumb mechanical blocks into intelligent smart panel symbols. We can convert Promis-e projects to AutoCAD Electrical projects.

Some AutoCAD Electrical users prefer to start everything from scratch. Although this is a popular method and a good one, it’s not the only one. I constantly tell Adraft’s customers to never throw anything out that was previously used inside of standard AutoCAD. The reason being is you might be able to save time by converting an object instead of creating that object from scratch. Personally I find myself using both methods. Sometimes it can be easier to start from scratch, but other times I can save time by converting an object I previously created in standard AutoCAD. Visit the Conversion Tools tab inside your software and take a look at all the tools you have at your disposal.

The first category I would like to discuss is the conversion of AutoCAD line objects to real world wires inside of Electrical. On top of that I will show you how to convert standard single line or multiline text to an intelligent piece of text that is associated to the wire you just converted. An example of this would be a piece of text that represents a wire label. In AutoCAD the text is not associated to the line that represents a wire. In Electrical the text is married to the real world wire itself.

Let’s start with Converting Lines to Wires.

You can change a line to a wire by using the Change/Convert Wire Type tool. The tool can actually be found on both the Schematic Tab and the Conversion Tools tab. Since we tend to spend most of our time on the Schematic tab I will use this in my steps to follow but either one will do.

1.     Click Schematic Tab
a.     Edit Wires/Wire Numbers Panel

                  b.     Create/Edit Wire Type drop down menu. 
                  c.     Change /Convert Wire Type. 
2.     In the Change/Convert Wire Type dialog box, select a wire type record in the wire type list.

3.     Make any selections in the dialog box.
·       If Convert Lines to wires is selected, the selected lines are changed to the new wire type.
4.     Click OK
5.     Select the lines in the drawing to convert.

You have now converted standard line objects previously created in AutoCAD to real world intelligent wires inside of AutoCAD Electrical.

Now let’s convert a standard piece of text created in AutoCAD to an intelligent wire number/label for use with AutoCAD Electrical.

Convert Text to a Wire Number

Follow these steps.

1.     Click Conversion Tools Tab
a.     Tools Panel
                  b.     Convert Text To Wire Number
2.     Select the wire near the text to convert
3.     Select the text to convert.

These are just two of the conversion tools you have at your disposal. Like I stated earlier, when you have a few extra minutes please visit your conversions tools tab inside of AutoCAD Electrical. You might find some benefits to using these tools as opposed to starting from scratch each and every time you have to create new objects.

Always remember. DON’T dispose of any legacy data you currently own.

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